M.Sc., kinesiologist, musculoskeletal health specialist
Director, Sercovie’s activity and recreation centre and manager of the MOVE50+ project
Acting as a kinesiologist for more than 20 years for various clients, Annick specializes in 50+ adults since 2009. She has a diploma in therapeutic exercises and a master’s degree from the Université de Sherbrooke in the same field.
As the instigator of the M.O.V.E. 50+ project, Annick commits herself to promote physical activity to have a maximum long-term impact on people’s lives. She believes in setting new targets for oneself at all ages and likes breaking down barriers and myths around physical activity and seniors.
B.Sc., kinesiologist
MOVE50+ project officer
Filled with energy, ideas and projects, Marie-Noëlle engages 100% to participants in each of the physical activity sessions. Her mission as a kinesiologist is simple, motivate as many people as possible to choose active retirement and to age moving. Her interests in health, dance, martial arts and yoga have been influencing her practice and her work in physical activity for almost 20 years now. As a new student in research on aging, she can keep you up to date regarding new knowledge in physical activity and aging. She is a natural communicator who will convince you that moving is in your best interest!

B.Sc. Kinésiologue
Kinésiologue, entrepreneure et massothérapeute, Anne-Sophie incarne et respire le mode de vie actif. Cette jeune maman s’intéresse à la nutrition et aux saines habitudes de vie tant chez les enfants que chez les adultes plus âgés. Elle privilégie les activités de plein air comme le surf à pagaie et le jogging. Son énergie contagieuse et sa curiosité seront mises à profit au sein de l’équipe M.O.V.E.50+.
B.Sc., kinesiologist
Arianne has been practising as a community kinesiologist for more than 10 years. As a physical activity expert with 50+ adults, she teaches different fall prevention courses, created several Viactive program tools, gave several lectures on health, chronic disease and physical activity to older clients in the RCM of Estrie region. Her critical spirit and her great sensitivity make her an outstanding professional asset for the M.O.V.E. 50+ project team.